Our local operations centre in Egypt is run in collaboration with Planet360, a multi-faceted business run by a group of forward-thinking people who are extremely passionate about helping the community at large as well as driving positive social change across Egypt. To that end we offer a range of Reintegration and Resettlement services for Egyptian migrants returning from the EU and beyond.
Working with our network of local stakeholders and utilising our strong relationships with organisations such as Mercy Corps in Egypt, we provide expertise on the ground in Egypt to support returnees and drive sustainable reintegration.
The types of reintegration services we offer are as follows:
- Airport pick-up
- In-country onward travel
- Accommodation (temporary)
- Social, legal and medical support
- Job search support
- Technical and vocational training
- Business start-up assistance
In collaboration with our local partner other relevant organisations, foreign and local governmental agencies we endeavour to offer a targeted and personal approach to deliver a humane and dignified reintegration for returnees.
Together with Planet360 we see great opportunities in Egypt for returnees (both social and economic) and are involved in multiple local initiatives aimed at driving education, skills and employment.